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Kancelaria Adwokacka Adwokat Artur 呕arnowski
Kancelaria Adwokacka Adwokat Artur 呕arnowski

R贸偶ne us艂ugi dla Ciebie

Kancelaria Adwokacka Adwokat Artur 呕arnowski

20-006, Lublin, Chopina 35
[{"id":"1374970715","url":"","query":"Kancelaria Adwokacka Artur 呕arnowski z Lublina oferuje kompleksowe us艂ugi prawne dla klient贸w indywidualnych i biznesowych, w takich obszarach prawa jak karne, cywilne, rodzinne, spadkowe czy handlowe. Wyr贸偶nia si臋 indywidualnym podej艣ciem do klienta, transparentno艣ci膮 i profesjonalizmem, opieraj膮c wsp贸艂prac臋 na zaufaniu i zrozumieniu. Adwokat Artur 呕arnowski 艣wiadczy doradztwo, reprezentacj臋 s膮dow膮 oraz pomoc w przygotowaniu dokument贸w i um贸w, wsp贸艂pracuj膮c zar贸wno z klientami prywatnymi, jak i przedsi臋biorcami. Kancelaria oferuje jednorazowe porady oraz sta艂膮 wsp贸艂prac臋, a tak偶e wsparcie w sprawach s膮dowych, mediacjach, negocjacjach i windykacji nale偶no艣ci. Konsultacje mo偶na um贸wi膰 telefonicznie lub poprzez wiadomo艣膰 e-mail.","keywords":"Typing,Technology,Government,Leadership,Politics and Government,Using Laptop,One Mid Adult Woman Only,Indoors,Expertise,Working,Corporate Business,Internet,Freelance Work,Education,Mid Adult Women,People,White People,Lawyer,Computer,Mid Adult,Criminal Justice,Journalist,Laptop,Businesswoman,Adults Only,,Attorney General,Business Finance and Industry,Color Image,Legislation,Professional Occupation,Vertical,Human Rights,Support,Paperwork,Place of Work,Judgement,Corporate Culture,,Women,Intelligence,Photography,Adult,Legal System,Russia,Talking,Only Women,Document,Occupation,Law,Confidence,Entrepreneur,Protection,Crime,One Woman Only,One Person,Justice - Concept,Suit,Business Person,Business,Success,Manager,Secretary,Financial Advisor,Real Estate,Employee,Efficiency","description":"female lawyer or judge checks documents or a contract and makes notes in a notebook and phone, is engaged in the registration of divorce proceedings. work in a law firm in the office. european young adult woman in a blue jacket attorney or prosecutor","title":"selective focus, female lawyer or judge checks documents or a contract and makes notes in a notebook and phone, is engaged in the registration of divorce proceedingss or contracts via the Internet"}]